Le Résultats: Part 2

Ok so let me explain what has happened with me and my CAP examens. As I said I passed my the exams i did this year but I won’t be awarded the certificate this time… and this I knew already. So let me back track….

Oct-Nov 2012: I registered for the CAP Patissier examens online. Yay!

Dec 2012: Recived a letter of confirmation of registration and details from Maison des Examens (the company that deals with everything related to examens for all qualifications in France). Returned this letter with changed or required documents as required. Yay Im gonna do the CAP!

Jan 2013: Informed the people at work that I was going to do the CAP Patissier this year. I had started to practice in my spare time at work for the practical examen.

late Feb 2013:  I went to the open day of a known school of gastronomy in Paris to look around and find out more info for what i needed to study and prepare for the CAP and was told by an admin lady from a well that I need to have a certified level of French in order to do the CAP examens….

Whhhaaattt??!! I didn’t recall any information  regarding this requirement on the website during inscription or proof…but after she told me that i went from YAY to NAY!

I left thinking that I was no longer doing the CAP anymore..

March 2013: Didn’t think anything about the CAP except on how to tell the guys at work that I was no longer going it….

23 April 2013: After going to London for more than a week, I got told that a letter from Maison des examens came. It turns out that others letters had come for me (I had the mail delivered to another address as I wasn’t sure if I was still going to be at my apartment at that time).

there were 2 letters of Convocation which listed my examens dates and subjects. My history and geography was on the 19th April and my sport exams was on the 22nd April. This meant I had just missed them! *gasp shock* it clearly states on the letter that the sport examen is obligatory and that if I was absent i was eliminated! ~~

My dear friend tells me that he didn’t give them to me earlier because he thought that I wasn’t going to do the CAP anymore…(ok well fair enough)

The second letter stated my written examens were on the 12th June and practique on the 19th June.

It was all really weird timing because a few days before the CAP had been in my mind so when I saw the letters it as a sign! I was going to try for the CAP again..but I didn’t know if I could do the rest of the exams if Ive missed the sport one. Was I eliminated from the rest of the exams?

I showed the guys from work the Convocation and they all encouraged me that I should give it a go. I explained to them about me missing the other exams..

May 2013: Finally I find out from Maison des examens that I can still do the other examens and that I have 5 years to complete my examens! so yay the CAP is on.

I studied for my written examen on the weekend -the only time i had. YES I am going to do all the exams!  Applied Science and Technology in Patisserie already had about 15 + topics alone…stress!

There was also French, Maths/Chemistry/Physics, Hygiene and Health I had to study for as well as prepare for the practical exam. All in French.

I realised that I was no Wonderwoman and it was just too short of time to prepare for all in 6 weeks. So i decided to focus and do the 2 most important-the examen practique and the applied science written examens. Since I already missed on 2 other examens, I will do the others next year. which meant that I wouldn’t have gotten the diploma this year anyways.

Voila! i hope that sorta explained up about my CAP examens and resultats.

About sweffyweffy

In 2011, I graduated from the Intensive Professional Program in French Pastry and Bread at Ferrandi, l'École Française de Gastronomie in Paris. Follow me and my adventures as I chase my dream of becoming a pastry chef. Here you will find my Passion for Pastry and also my fascination of food through photos.
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1 Response to Le Résultats: Part 2

  1. Marina says:

    Good luck with the rest of the exams next year!
    I just wanted to thank you for all the detailed information you’re sharing about your experience in Paris. It really helps to get the whole picture. I am on my way to Pastry School, too, but I’m torn between LCB and Ferrandi in Paris and the Culinary Arts Academy in Switzerland… Tough choice *sigh*!
    Anyway, best of luck with everything you’re planning. I’ll keep an eye on your blog 🙂


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